My current read that I had stolen from J without his permission when he was at page 18, I think, since I had exquisitely removed his bookmark as well and replaced with mine.
Starbucks has always had a special place in my heart. And it came as a surprise to me when J told me he was once a partner too! That was years before we met each other and fell in love. The 8 months working in Starbucks as a barista is by far the best working experience that I ever had. Anyway I am now at page 65, kinda slow as I can only dedicate a mere 40 minutes per day for the book, which equals to the amount of time I spend travelling in MRT alone from work back home. Can't read in the morning journey as that's the time I enjoyably immerse myself in the free read of newspaper. And these days I am soooo busy worshipping my Jamie at night.
busy busy very busy.. You still got time to read book? You supposed to bake cake when you are free.. because YOU are the baking engineer!
yalo, please slap me and wake me up. arggghh!!
so how great is starbuck o ??? say say... but starbuck nearly pok gai lor...too ambitious.... u go open a starbug la..
OMG... i wonder what it is when you do when "worshipping"... ahahhahahahahaha
Reminds me of what those Mayan would do when worshipping their sun god... whahahah
kevin.. it's starbuckS with a "s". that was how i learn how to appreciate coffee lo. and after reading that book i realised that the system in US's starbucks is actually 99% similar to Malaysia... that's how successful it is...
Xwei, listen closely to what he "preaches" and apply them in my life is how i worship him! :D
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