Monday, March 30, 2009

PHOTOLOG #5: 20090330

You are my crutch in times of infirmity...


pik lay said...

caffein is not my cup of tea. don't take too much...

Fang Fang said...

Caffeine Content of Food & Drugs:

Coca-Cola Classic 35mg
Diet Coke 47mg

Ahem... said...

waaaah.. u also blog ah fang jie! LOL! high 5 high 5...

Fang Fang said...

haha.. yea, had a deal with a very good friend to at least post a photolog up everyday...
so far so good!

Anonymous said...

btw how u come out with ur photolog number##?


jasonwfreak said...

oh! #n, n represents the no. of day from the 1st day aunty Teo and I started this photolog thingy. 20090330 = year 2009 month 03 day 30.